Captain Lou Albano
George Allen
Walter Alston
Paul Arizin
Richie Ashburn
Arnold Jacob “Red” Auerbach
Born 9/20/1917 – Died 10/28/2006 (89 – heart attack)
Boston Celtics Coach 1950-1967
Boston Celtics General Management 1967-2006
Ray Beck
John Beckman
George Belotti
Clete Boyer
Tom Brookshier
Bob Buhl
John Buzhardt
Roy Campanella
Born 11/19/1921 – Died 6/26/1993 (71 – heart attack)
Brooklyn Dodgers Catcher 1936-1942 & 1946-1951
Monte Clark
Tyrus Raymond “Ty” Cobb
Born 12/18/1886 – Died 7/17/1961 (74 – unknown cause)
Detroit Tigers Outfielder 1905-1926
Philadelphia Athletics Outfielder 1927-1928
Detroit Tigers Manager 1921-1926
Earle Combs
Tarzan Cooper
Myron Cope
Howard Cosell
Larry Costello
Joe Cronin
Chuck Daly
Jim David
Leon Day
Forrest S. DeBernardi
Jack Dempsey
Born 06/24/1885 – Died 05/31/1983 (97 – natural causes)
Joe DiMaggio
Born 11/25/1914 – Died 3/8/1999 (84 – lung cancer)
New York Yankees Center Fielder 1936-1942 & 1946-1951
Larry Doby
Eddie Donovan
Gerald Rudolph Ford
(born Leslie Lynch King, Jr)
Born 7/14/1913 – Died 12/26/2006 (93 – unknown cause)
University of Michigan Center/Linebacker
38th President of the United States
Cal Gardner
Althea Gibson
Goose Goslin
Hank Greenberg
Born 1/1/1911 – Died 9/4/1986 (75 – cancer)
Detroit Tigers 1930-1941 & 1945-1946
Pittsburgh Pirates 1947
John Hanna
Connie Hawkins
Francis Dayle “Chick” Hearn
Born 11/27/1916 – Died 8/5/2002 (85 – fall / head injury)
Los Angeles Lakers Announcer
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Gene Hickerson
Lamar Hunt
Born 8/2/1932 – Died 12/13/2006 (74 – prostate cancer)
A founder of the American Football League and Major League Soccer
Kansas City Chiefs Owner
Harry Kalas
Bill Keating
Jack Kemp
Tom Landry
Born 9/11/1924 – Died 2/12/2000 (75 – leukemia)
Texas Longhorns
New York Yankees 1949
New York Giants 1950-1955
Dallas Cowboys Coach 1960-1988
Dick “Night Train” Lane
Born 4/16/1928 – Died 1/29/2002 (73 – heart attack)
Scottsbluff Junior College
Defensive Back
Los Angeles Rams 1952-1953
Chicago Cardinals 1954-1959
Detroit Lions 1960-1965
Dick Lynch
Lee May
Al McGuire
James Kenneth “Jim” McKay
Born 9/24/1921 – Died 6/7/2008 (86 – natural causes)
John McKay
Earl Morrall
Brian Murray
Ernie Nevers
Hal Newhouser
Tommy Nobis
Dick Nolan
Ken Norton
Satchel Paige
Born 7/7/1906 – Died 6/6/1982 (75 – heart attack)
Negro League: Chattanooga Black Lookouts, Birmingham Black Barons,
Baltimore Black Sox, Nashville Elite Giants, Cleveland Cubs, Pittsburgh
Crawfords, Kansas City Monarchs, New York Black Yankees, Memphis Red
Sox, Philadelphia Stars, Indianapolis Clowns and the Chicago American Giants.
Cleveland Indians 1948-1949
St Louis Browns 1951-1953
Kansas City Athletics 1965
Floyd Patterson
Born 1/4/1935 – Died 5/11/2006 (71 – Alzheimer’s & prostate cancer)
Professional Boxer
Johnny Podres
Tony Poeta
Bobby Riggs
Philip Francis “Phil” Rizzuto
Born 9/25/1917 – Died 8/13/2007 (89 – natural causes)
New York Yankees Shortstop 1941-1942 & 1946-1956
New York Yankees Announcer 1957-1996
Joe Robbie
Born 7/7/16 – Died 1/7/90 (73 – unknown cause)
Miami Dolphins Owner
Eddie Robinson
Born 2/13/1919 – Died 4/3/2007 (88 – Alzheimer’s)
Grambling State Coach 1941-1997
Pete Rozelle
Bo Schembechler
Born 4/1/1929 – Died 11/17/2006 (77 – heart disease)
Miami (Ohio) University Coach (1963-1968)
University of Michigan Coach (1969-1989)
David Smalley
Samuel Jackson “Sam” Snead
Born 5/27/1912 – Died 5/23/2002 (89 – stroke)
Professional Golfer
Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka
Gordon Solie
Charles Dillon “Casey” Stengel
Born 7/30/1890 – Died 9/29/1975 (85 – cancer)
Brooklyn Dodgers 1912-1917
Pittsburgh Pirates 1918-1919
Philadelphia Phillies 1920-1921
New York Giants 1921-1923
Boston Braves 1924-1925
Brooklyn Dodgers 1934-1936
Boston Braves 1938-1943
New York Yankees 1949-1960
New York Mets 1962-1965
Tom Sturdivant
Bill Veeck
Johannes Peter “Honus” Wagner
Born 2/24/1874 – Died 12/6/1955 (80 – natural causes)
Infielder / Pitcher / Coach
Louisville Colonels 1897-1899
Pittsburgh Pirates 1900-1917
Bill Walsh
Born 11/30/1931 – Died 7/30/2007 (75 – leukemia)
Oakland Raiders Running Backs Coach 1966
Cincinnati Bengals Receivers Coach 1968-1975
San Diego Chargers Offensive Coordinator 1976
Stanford Cardinals Head Coach 1977-1978
San Francisco 49ers Coach 1979-1988
Stanford Cardinals Head Coach 1992-1994
Byron Raymond White
Born 6/8/1917 – Died 4/15/2002 (84 – pneumonia)
Running Back
Pittsburgh Pirates 1938
Detroit Lions 1940-1941
Supreme Court Justice 1962-1993
Hoyt Wilhelm
Born 7/26/22 – Died 8/23/2002 (79 – heart failure)
New York Giants 1952-1956
St. Louis Cardinals 1957
Cleveland Indians 1957-1958
Baltimore Orioles 1958-1962
Chicago White Sox 1963-1968
California Angels 1969
Atlanta Braves 1969-1970
Chicago Cubs 1970
Atlanta Braves 1971
Los Angeles Dodgers 1971-1972
Bill Wirtz
Gump Worsley
Early Wynn
Garo Yepremian
Denton True “Cy” Young
Born 3/29/1867 – Died 11/4/1955 (88 – unknown cause)
Cleveland Spiders 1890-1898
St Louis Perefectos 1899-1900
Boston Americans / Red Sox 1901-1908
Cleveland Naps 1909-1911
Boston Rustlers 1911